Monday, August 26, 2013

How to Fight Giants

1 Samuel 17, Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock!"

"You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord!" (1 Samuel 17:45) Jesse sent his 3 oldest boys off to war but it was his youngest, David, who conquered the giant. How did he do it? Yes, yes...with a slingshot and a well-placed rock. But more than that, David conquered the giant because he knew without a shadow of doubt that God was with him. While the rest of Israel's army quaked, David boldly said - "I'll go. Send me. Because God goes with me."

David gives us all something to think about. As adults, how willing are we to step up and say, "I'll go. Send me." I wonder if we've forgotten the child-like trust, faith, and confidence the child David had? Maybe this is what Jesus means when he challenges us to have faith like a child?!

But we started our Messy Church off with the story of David and Goliath not just to remind the adults - but also to show our kids that they can fight any giant that comes their way. At the start of the new school year, this seemed like a good starting place for Messy Church. Because our kids face giants. Every day. And we cannot fight their giants for them...they have to learn to do it themselves. But we can teach them that God goes with them! That God can take their faith and move mountains.

So this is it. Our first Messy Church is in the books. The Fellowship Hall is (almost) back to normal. Here are some highlights of Messy Church:

Making slingshots
 Our fearless Goliath!
 Some Goliath feet

 What would it be like to be as tall as Goliath? How big is God?
Story time!
 And for a little fun, nail Goliath with a wet cotton ball!

Thank you to all our volunteers who made Messy Church happen! We did not send home any kind of "Take Home" sheet - we figured between the stones, the shield, the slingshot, the feet - well, a take home sheet would get lost! But check back here for some more reflections and activities you can do at home with your kids.

And remember - the next Messy Church @ Aldersgate is October 27. Come see what happens on "A Dark and Stormy Night!"

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