Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Storm's a Comin'

For the past two nights I've been dreaming about sand, waves, and shells. Sounds idyllic? Maybe dreaming of a beautiful beach somewhere - peaceful, tranquil? Nope. Because add to the sand, waves, shells the following: corn starch, glitter, duct tape, rice, toilet paper rolls, bottle caps, oil, and jello. In other words, I haven't been dreaming about beaches - I've been dreaming about Messy Church!! That can only mean one thing - it's Messy Church Week!
I've been shopping for supplies and I can honestly say, I've gotten some very strange reactions from the cashier at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. At Sam's I bought several huge tubs of corn starch.
Apparently she had seen a TV program about a lady addicted to eating raw corn starch. So she wondered about me. I said, no, I won't be eating this...we've got a science experiment to do. And then the lady at Wal-Mart questioned the large container of glitter. She asked if they didn't have a smaller container. I said, no, I wanted to the largest container they had - because I know my kids! We will need the glitter!
It definitely is the oddest assortment of supplies. Individually, they don't make much sense - that's why I've been getting all those strange looks. Even on the floor of my office they don't make sense.But I know that on Sunday morning at 9:45, these random supplies will come together in amazing ways.
Isn't that like the Church? We're a pretty random assortment of people - and yet, when we're about Kingdom work, we come together in amazing ways. As Paul tell the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 12) all the parts and pieces are needed - even the ones that seem the least important. Everything works together and the Church is at her best when all the supplies are there, when all the pieces are working together. We may be Messy, but we can do amazing things in Jesus' name.

Don't forget to invite friends and neighbors to Messy Church! It's going to be a Dark and Stormy Night on the Sea of Galilee. Wait, is that a ghost? Nope. It's Jesus!!

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