Thursday, October 3, 2013

Taking one for the TEAM - the Next Step for Messy Church

We are 25 days away from our 2nd Messy Church event! On October 27, we welcome kids and families for another exciting Messy Church. And this time things are going to get really messy!

But even as I send out information for our volunteers as we prep for October's time to take the next big step for Messy Church @ Aldersgate.

Up until now, Messy Church has been one person coordinating, organizing, dreaming, etc - with volunteers working on one Messy Church event at a time. But it's time for us to create a Messy Church Team. This team should have between 5 and 12 volunteers who are committed to dreaming, planning, and executing Messy Church @ Aldersgate. From planning the themes, finding the activities, coordinating volunteers, marketing, promoting and dreaming big, messy dreams - this team can help Messy Church run and help it grow.

Who should be on this team? Adults who are passionate about creating exciting spaces for children (and their families) grow in faith. And youth who are passionate about the same thing!

This is not a light commitment - it's a commitment to a ministry that will take time, energy, and prayer to execute. And fair warning, this team will need to meet on a regular basis (probably once a month). If you are interested in being a part of the Messy Church Team at Aldersgate, please call or email me (244-1820 or and let's chat.

The more hands we have on deck to help, the bigger mess we can make - and the bigger impact we can have as we spread the good news about Jesus, the Christ, to children and their families in our community.

1 comment:

  1. Any takers yet? I hope people will embrace this and be a part of helping our kids grow in their faith!
